Board of Directors
PMI-T Board of Directors

Paul Lovelis | Chapter President
Programs Committee
PMI-T Chapter President:
An elected volunteer who acts as the Chief Executive Officer for the Project Management Institute's Tucson Chapter and as Chairman of the Chapter's Board of Directors. The Chapter President will perform such duties as are customary for presiding officers, including making all required filings and appointments with the approval of the Board.
Paul Lovelis
Pinal County Public Defense Services
Paul Lovelis | Chapter President

Nicholas Faña | Vice-President of Programs
Programs Committee
PMI-T Vice-President of Programs:
An elected volunteer responsible for all chapter events and programs in the Tucson community, and will perform other duties as required in the Tucson Chapter's operating procedures.
Nicholas Fana
Mister Carwash
Nicholas Faña | Vice-President of Programs

James Riley | Vice-President of Communications
Website, Social Media, & Sierra Vista Coordinator
PMI-T Vice President of Communications:
An elected volunteer responsible for the chapter's website, email communications, and social media for duly authorized purposes of the Tucson Chapter, and will perform other duties as required in the Tucson Chapter's operating procedures.
James Riley
James Riley | Vice-President of Communications

Erin Boland | Vice-President of Finance
Game Night Committee
PMI-T Vice-President of Finance:
An elected volunteer responsible for all accounting and financials for the Tucson Chapter, and will perform other duties as required in the Tucson Chapter's operating procedures.
Erin Boland
Erin Boland | Vice-President of Finance

Erin Doneghy | Vice-President of Membership
Outreach Committee
PMI-T Vice-President of Membership:
An elected volunteer responsible for all chapter member engagements in the Tucson community, and will perform other duties as required in the Tucson Chapter's operating procedures.
Erin Doneghy
Erin Doneghy | Vice-President of Membership

Rod Meya | Vice-President of Administration
Web Admin & PR
PMI-T Vice-President of Administration:
An elected volunteer responsible for preparing, maintaining, recording, circulating all records, correspondence, minutes of meetings, and related affairs of the Chapter.
Rod Meya
Rod Meya | Vice-President of Administration

Wendy Lakatos | Vice-President of Community Outreach
PMI-T Director of Community Outreach:
An appointed volunteer responsible for chapter interaction and communication within the Tucson community. Assists the social media and communication committees, and performs other duties as required in the Tucson Chapter's operating procedures.
Wendy Lakatos | Vice-President of Community Outreach

Katie Lux | President Elect