Empathy and Understanding: Your Keys to Success


Reflecting on the reasons why a project wasn’t successful as they wanted, most people can point to something they or someone on the team missed. It was some detail that was never discussed or a condition never considered. It might have been a person whose input was critically lacking. Having more successful projects means getting better at identifying these gaps and misses before they become big problems – whether you’re using waterfall-type project management or agile, iterative approaches.

If you can’t understand the problem you’re solving – really understand it – then you’re at risk. In this session, we’ll explain how to develop both understanding as well as empathy for those you’re working with and how to validate both.

Guest Speaker: Robert Bogue

Robert has led change projects for three decades. As a recovering technologist, he’s changed the way people work as he changed the technology. He’s the author of 28 books and has been a Microsoft MVP for 19 years. His work has transformed corporations, government, and quasi-government organizations. It’s not about the technology, but he leverages his strength in technology and human systems to create change that is sustainable and transformative for organizations of all sizes and shapes. Follow him at https://ThorProjects.com or https://ConfidentChangeManagement.com.

PDU VALUE: 1 Power Skills (Leadership)


7:30 AM - Virtual Room Open and Networking

7:50 AM - Chapter Announcements and Introductions

8:00 AM - Presentation Starts

9:00 AM Presentation Ends

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It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Events

Date: August 26th, 2022

Hour: 7:30AM to 9:00AM

# of PDUs: 0.0


Members: Free

Non members and Guests: Free
